
Name's Adrian. Studied psychology. I comedy and web-dev.

Check out my latest work below and send me a shout! I'd love to hear from you.


  • Python, Flask, Unittest, Nose, TDD/BDD, OOP
  • SQL, SQLite, SQLAlchemy
  • JavaScript, jQuery, JSON
  • AJAX, 3rd Party APIs (Google Maps, Yelp, TMDb, etc)
  • HTML(5), CSS(3), SASS, Compass
  • UI/UX, Wireframing, Twitter Bootstrap, Foundation, Responsive Design
  • Windows, Powershell, Linux(Ubuntu), Bash, Heroku, Vagrant


Frimmy's Clothing

E-commerce w/ React, Redux, Redux-Sagas, Firebase Auth and Firestore

Demo Github

TheMovieDB Poster Search

The MovieDB 3rd party API finds movie posters based on text entered in search.

Demo Github

Parks and Rec Quiz App

Parks and Rec hand-rolled quiz app using OOP javascript, jQuery, and Twitter Bootstrap

Demo Github
